Friday, October 20, 2006 10:30 AM
MaLacCa CaMp I~~** She speaksarlo..im back!!!...the camp rocks big time... can say so far tis is my bestest camp ever.. i've learn lotsa stuff..get even closer to the ppl tat i din really noe.. n especially grow even closer in Him.. words cant describe how much His been very grateful n good to me.. the camp started on mon 16/10..we reached at 2.30.. we got into our groups n den icebreaker time... it was fun la..den got guardian angel oso... the first nite we had pnw den treasure hunt..... it was kinda screwed up so abit stressed but den everything turn out ok oso lah.. the next day the pastor came..n he tok abt how to equip ourself be4 reaching out to other ppl.. be prepare..then in the evening we had games...telematch den captain ball...my favao game.. heh..n my group wonnnn..wooohooo.. n the next session at nite was indeed the most awesome wan...i felt Gods presents in me.. i jz pray tat he will cont to be wif me n guide me thruout my life.. there were ppl praying for me...saying i hav to look forward instead of looking to the past always. thinking abt tat...guess it was true...shud leave the past n move on...leaving the past jz as memories..=) the next morning we had another session wif the pastor.. n he tok abt submitting ourself to Him..trust in Him n He will do great miracles...sumthing like tat i think...ngek ngek... n in the evening we had station games...it was fun...eventho i din ply ler coz i was incharge of one of the sation..but had fun splashing ppl wif water..hehe...but in the end..i oso kena...kena pulled by Ben n the others splashed water...swt.. the last station was war of the castle..instead of hitting the other groups castle dey come attack the commitees..swt..was stunt abit..haha...keep on running away frm the ppl but giv up..too tired liao..haha... at nite we had tiger court...where thru out tis whole camp we find for ppls guilt n bring it up to court...haha...the roman courts...we had 1 whole hr laughing our heads off....it was sooo funny.. n wif all the seniors..it was even funnier...haha...slept at 4am tat nite..toking abt the camps n stuff wif all the girls...we had a close relationship thru tis camp..the girls were liek very bond together..haha...so happy... the next mornin every1 woke up late...din do devotion..haha..faster wake up n rush for breakfast..oh ya..the food dere...it rocks..it was awesome...so long din eat home cook food..hehe.. after breakfast we had closing..where we shared abt our experience thruout the camp n stuff.. after tat we packed had lunch n foto session where every1 goes sampat..haha... n we went home...n so tats the camp...will tell more wat happen inside the camp later...so look forward to it lah..hehe...
Monday, October 16, 2006 10:00 AM
She speaksn the day has come... n i will be off to PD for my first mmucf camp.. heh..hope it will be fun... so guess dere wont be ne blogging till thurs... sobsob....but neways...will blog after i come back lah... chaoz!~~ dun miss me nah...muackx...
Saturday, October 14, 2006 11:12 PM
FiNaLLy... She speakshaha...finally can on9... for the past 2 days,...kenot on9... n it was like....sumthing is jz missing.. haha.... without streamyx...watch movie n ply warcraft nia.. seems boring rite? well..guess youngsters like cant really live without internet.. its just...u gotta connect to the internet.. haha... well...just came back frm mlk camp meeting.. mayb last meeting i guess b4 we head of to camp.. cant wait for camp.. hope will b a blast..weehee!!~!~... plan plan plan for games.... hope every1 will hav fun....heh...
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:22 PM
Im free~~!!!** She speaksn im free~~~~~~~!!!!!!!****** weeheheheheh.... but den..y does the last paper hav to be so sucky?? ish..tension onie... hope i dun fail onie laa.. dowan to take supp... gonna be embarrasing taking supp.. first sem onie k.. haihz.. neway.. im free~~~!!!!***
Monday, October 09, 2006 6:09 PM
She speaksy la....so freaking hot nowadays... y laaaaaaaa...ish.. bang all the ppl tat make tis haze.... dahla got exam.. den haze pulak.. so inconsiderate.... bang u guys laaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... today econs paper.... haihz....can do is can do la.. but den...hope can pass nia laaa....huuhuu... so tricky wan the ques..but ok oso la... 3 down....2 to go.. n im freeee.... weee~~~.. yipa yipa andre andre...muahahah
Saturday, October 07, 2006 3:50 PM
She speaksn so...i cut my hair again...forced by jeremy n elys..wahh..but den..here's how it looks like... ![]() the front ![]() the back ![]() the sides ![]() cool??man im goin lala...wahhhh @.@
Friday, October 06, 2006 10:40 PM
She speaksn again...we went for sista's shopping..wee~~~ its been a long time since we did tat..i guess..heh was tired but fun oso lah...get to bond wif each other.. bought a short skirt...heh...wee~~ bought alot of shirts d so now is the bottoms.. got skirt...need jeans...muahaha... n oh yea..bm exam...ermm was ok ok nia lah...can do oso lah.... jz hope can pass.....n score...ahaha... kk..back to studies..buh byeee...
1:50 AM
TireD~!~!~ She speakslast nite...when to frens hse whole day to studied for bm.. yeah...b.melayu..ish...business maths laa...haha some ppl thought bm is b.melayu..lol.. neway..did sum exercises for maths.. it was like...every single ques i need help.. haihz..feel kinda bothering dem..asking stupid ques n doin silly mistakes.. its nearly 2am now...later at 3pm is my test... scared i do careless mistakes.. jz hope i'll do well...oh Lord..help me.. hope finals end quick.. feel so tired d.. tired of skooling...tired of..er..dunno just wanna go back home to pg n rest..n meet my frens.. well..jz wanna say.. im tired of arguing.. tired of hav to pujuk... tired of trying to impress.. tired of having attention.. tired of......im jz..tired.... cant stop doin it???
Monday, October 02, 2006 10:35 PM
She speaks yeah...1 down 4 more to go.... finish my hd paper liao oo.. can do la..jz the essay part...hmm maybe kantoi abit lah.. heh... so...so far so good lah..hope dun stress so much nia ler..hehe... had kinda happy happy day 2day..heh... wish everyday is a happy happy day...wee~~...hehe hmm..k study...buh bye
12:57 AM
She speaks its nearly 1am..n im here..blogging...n not studying.. heh..no elr..studied d..taking 5 now... today start finals liao... wat can i say..scared??not really.. okok nia...like normal exams lor.. wat i read..i dunno go in my head not.. since forever oso i dunno wat i read go in not.. haha..will find out during exams nia ler. hope i'll pass..i wanna pass... score..not sure..hmmm.....mayb can kua.. hope so nia ler.. not many things happen lately..din went to campus tho. no class coz of finals..hee...so happy... get to spend more time on playing..ops..ahem* studying..hehe jz hope can pass laaa...den can spend holidays freely...wee~~~ kk..back to study mode....buh bye..chaoz~!~** |
Yours truly, ![]() Just a simple girl living the life that she wants to. With Loves, Scream Love, Reminisce,
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